Contact Rhino Foods
Let’s talk about delicious things
We’re always glad to hear from people with questions, comments, or requests for more information. Please complete the form below and it will be routed to the appropriate Rhino for follow-up.
If you wish to submit a comment or concern in regards to the actions of Rhino Foods or any of its employees that may represent a variance from our policies and procedures, commitment to community, ethics, and legality, please write to us at and your message will be treated with diligence and anonymity.
Offices and Plant:
Rhino Foods, Inc
179 Queen City Park Road
Burlington VT 05401
Phone: 802 862-0252
Open: 8 AM to 5 PM, weekdays
Shipping and Receiving Warehouse:
Rhino Foods Distribution Center
150 Boyer Circle
Williston VT 05495
Appointment Hours: 7 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday
Schedule Appointments through: this Go Ramp portal link
Join the Crash
Want to become a Rhino? To view our current job openings and apply, please visit our jobs page.